
Monday, July 9, 2012

Frontera Grill

I just got back from short but sweet trip to Chicago for a long weekend with my family. 
Because we ate some really good food, I thought I'd highlight a couple of the restaurants we ate at in the next few posts.
When it comes to Mexican food cravings, I think most people would agree that Chipotle or Qdoba usually does just the trick. Most restaurants featuring this delicious type food are pretty similar: casual, huge portions, and simple ingredients, but it sometimes seems like every menu item is just in a different form than the one before it. 
That's why whenever we go to a city with some upscale Mexican restaurants, my family can't help but stop in. If you've never eaten at one of these places, I promise you, you're missing out.
It's so good in fact, that people start lining up outside Rick Bayless's Frontera Grill about a half hour before it opens. Including my family. (May I remind you it was like 100 degrees out?!)
Despite our early arrival, when we got to the hostess, she told us it'd be a 2 1/2 - 3 hour wait. 
So we waited. We went and walked around Michigan Avenue until we got the call that our table was ready. 
I'm going to be completely honest, it was 100% worth the wait. 
Everything was so fresh, flavorful and just flat-out delicious. 
Here's some pics I snapped on my trusty iPhone during dinner!

 From top left: Margarita, Frontera Guacamole, Fresh Corn Tamales, House Smoked Salmon Tostadas, Fried Sweet Plantains, and the Old School Frontera Trio

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