
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Something Different

Although so far this blog has been almost entirely about food, I don't have a kitchen at school and therefore will be posting about a variety of other things! I created it mainly to document some of my favorite recipes, but also as something I could maintain when I (hopefully!) study abroad in Florence this spring! 
This past year I got certified to teach indoor cycling classes and started teaching them at our school gym. I'm so excited to get back to those classes and wanted to share some of my current favorite workout music!
 Right now, it's all relatively relaxing, and not the usual high energy music I use for cycling classes, but it's great for long, easy runs!

Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Home - Phillip Phillips
Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol
  Cruise - Florida Georgia Line

Love Lost - The Temper Trap

Charlie Brown - Coldplay

And as if the Olympics weren't motivating enough, here's a Nike commercial that I absolutely love:

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