
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WIth the click of a button

You may have noticed by now that travel is half the focus of the name of this blog. 
Not just eat well, but travel often. 
You may have also noticed the tiled wallpaper of a world map. 
 You probably expected a little more than a short road trip to Chicago.

If you were expecting a bit more adventure, I have good news for you.
I just officially accepted my spot in a study abroad program for next semester in (drumroll please)...

Florence, Italy
Photo Credit:

I don't think my heart rate has gotten back to normal since I clicked the button and signed the contract. I'm going to be living in Italy?! Someone pinch me.

There are so many things I'm looking forward to, like traveling around Europe, learning Italian, and of course, getting to eat authentic Italian food every day, but I'm not afraid to admit that I am completely and utterly terrified. I know I'll get frustrated and homesick, but I would never have forgiven myself if I had passed up this offer and the good times will far outweigh the bad. So bring on the ciao bella's, the quaint restaurants, narrow streets and buildings that take me back in time, getting lost and finding new places, checking out the secret bakeries that sell chocolate croissants at 2 in the morning that I've heard so much about from friends who were in Florence this past summer, and above all, new experiences that break me down only to make me grow in new, unexpected ways.

I really do live la dolce vita.


  1. that is so great! Florence is a beautiful city! You will love it!

  2. I agree with all the above! Studying abroad is going to be such a big experience for both of us!! I have 2 friends studying in Florence next semester as well! Maybe we'll have to meet up when I travel there. :)
