
Friday, January 18, 2013

I made it!

I'm officially in Florence! 
I'd seen plenty of pictures before coming but it's still so different than I imagined (in a good way!)
I absolutely loveeeee the narrow streets, yellow houses with green shutters, walking only areas, the food, the rolling hills that surround the city, and everything else. It's kind of magical. 
The past two days have been beautiful weather-wise, so naturally, I've hardly taken any pictures. Major fail. Also, I still haven't eaten gelato. Second major fail. Good thing I have four more months living in this wonderful city! 
Check out the view from my apartment - yes, that's the Duomo in the background. Super casual that I live here with this view...
 Also, tonight we had a 3-course meal for free (including wine!) from our program at a great restaurant called Acqua al 2, where our first course was 5 different types of pasta, our second was delicious rosemary chicken, and finally, we each got four desserts. Yes, four, after all that other food. I think it was the lightest, fluffiest cheesecake I've ever eaten and obviously the tiramisu was to die for. Helloooo food coma. 
And to the delicious pumpkin penne pasta below: I love you.

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