
Monday, January 21, 2013

So far in Firenze...

This morning, all the UNC students got a free walking tour of the city from one of our professors at the school! He was a great tour guide, and told us lots of funny stories and legends at each big landmark in the city, while also pointing out things we may not have noticed before. 
Yesterday, it was cold and rainy (not that that stopped us from getting gelato), but this morning was relatively sunny and much better! I'm starting to feel like I know my way around, at least the big streets, and can't wait until I know this city like the back of my hand!

I'm trying to post a picture on Instagram each day so you can follow my adventures!  


  1. oh florence you are amazing! eat as much gelato as you possibly can!

  2. Love these shots!! I can't wait to see Firenze!!
