
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Breakers

Ahhh, spring break.
What's not to love about a week spent with your best friends, where the most difficult question you have to answer is "should we rent kayaks or bikes today?" and "strawberry or mango daiquiri?" and the to-do list consists of one thing: relax.
We went to Sandestin, Florida, a small subset/resort of Destin. 
We walked on the beach, Laura and I played around with our cameras and photography skills (or lack thereof in my case) while Carysn and Maggie practiced handstands (casual.), we kayaked, read books, lounged in hammocks, rode bikes around the entire resort, ate crab cakes and got completely burnt when we didn't even expect it'd be warm enough to wear bathing suits.
Maybe it's not your typical, crazy, college spring break, but it's exactly what I wanted.

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